Niels Van Der Wekken Lost Periodicity in N continued Fraction Expansions Tu Delft Delft 2011

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1. Kraaikamp, C. --- The distribution of some sequences connected with the nearest integer continued fraction, Indag. Math. 49 (1987), (2), 177--191.

2. Jager, H.; Kraaikamp, C. --- On the approximation by continued fractions, Indag. Math. 51 (1989) (3), 289--307.

3. Kraaikamp, C. --- Statistic and ergodic properties of Minkowski's diagonal continued fraction, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 65 (1989) (2), 197--212.

4. Bosma, W. and Kraaikamp, C. --- Metrical theory for optimal continued fractions, J. Number Theory 34 (1990) (3), 251--270.

5. Kraaikamp, C. --- On the approximation by continued fractions, II, Indag. Math. (N.S.) 1 (1990) (1), 63--75.

6. Kraaikamp, C. --- A new class of continued fraction expansions, Acta Arith. 57 (1991) (1), 1--39.

7. Kraaikamp, C. and Liardet, P. --- Good approximations and continued fractions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1991) (2), 303--309.

8. Bosma, W. and Kraaikamp, C. --- Optimal approximation by continued fractions, J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 50 (1991) (3), 481--504.

9. Kraaikamp, C. --- Maximal S-expansions are Bernoulli shifts, Bull. Soc. Math. France 121 (1993) (1), 117--131.

10. Kraaikamp, C. --- On symmetric and asymmetric Diophantine approximation by continued fractions, J. Number Theory 46 (1994) (2), 137--157.

11. Dajani, K. and Kraaikamp, C. --- Generalization of a theorem of Kusmin, Monatsh. Math. 118 (1994) (1-2), 55--73.

12. Kraaikamp, C. and Meester, R. --- Ergodic properties of a dynamical system arising from percolation theory, Ergodic Th. Dynam. Systems 15 (1995) (4), 653--661.

13. Barrionuevo, J., Burton, R.M., Dajani, K. and Kraaikamp, C. --- Ergodic properties of generalized Luroth series, Acta Arith. 74 (1996) (4), 311--327.

14. Kraaikamp, C. and Lopes, A. --- The theta group and the continued fraction expansion with even partial quotients, Geom. Dedicata 59 (1996) (3), 293--333.

15. Dajani, K., Kraaikamp, C. and Solomyak, B. --- The natural extension of the beta-transformation, Acta Math. Hungar. 73 (1996) (1-2), 97--109.

16. Dajani, K. and Kraaikamp, C. --- On approximation by Luroth Series, J. Th. des Nombres Bordeaux 8 (1996), 331-346.

17. Kraaikamp, C. and Meester, R. --- Convergence of continued fraction type algorithms and generators, Monatsh. Math. 125 (1998), 1-14.

18. Dajani, K. and Kraaikamp, C. --- A note on the approximation by continued fractions under an extra condition, New York J. Math. 3A (1997/98), 69-80.

19. Dajani, K. and Kraaikamp, C. --- A Gauss-Kusmin Theorem for Optimal Continued Fractions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), no. 5, 2055--2079.

20. Dekking, F.M., Kraaikamp, C. and Schouten, J.G. --- Binary images and inhomogeneous tree-indexed Markov chains, Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 44 (1999), no.2, 181-188.

21. Burton, R.M., Kraaikamp, C. and Schmidt, T.A. --- Natural extensions for the Rosen fractions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), no. 3, 1277--1298.

22. Hartono, Y. and Kraaikamp, C. --- On a relationship between the convergents of the Nearest Integer and Odd Continued Fractions, J. Indonesian Math. Soc. 6 (5), (2000), 131-137.

23. Dajani, K. and Kraaikamp, C. --- `The mother of all continued fractions'. Colloquium Math. 84/85 (2000), 109-123.

24. Kraaikamp, C. and Nakada, H. --- On normal numbers for continued fractions, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 20 (2000), no. 5, 1405--1421.

25.  Kraaikamp, C. and Nakada, H. --- On a problem of Schweiger concerning normal numbers. J. Number Theory 86 (2001), no. 2, 330--340.

26. Dekking, F.M., Kraaikamp, C., Elfeki, A.E. and Bruining, J. --- Multi-scale and multi-resolution stochastic modeling of subsurface heterogeneity by tree-indexed Markov Chains, Computational Geosciences 5 (2001), 47-60.

27. Elfeki, A.E., Dekking, F.M., Bruining, J. and Kraaikamp, C. Influence of the fine-scale heterogeneity patterns on large-scale behaviour of miscible transport in porous media. Petroleum Geoscience 8 (2002), 159--165.

28. Hartono, Y. and Kraaikamp, C. --- On continued fractions with odd partial quotients. Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 47 (1), (2002).

29. Hartono, Y, Kraaikamp, C & Schweiger, F (2002). Algebraic and ergodic properties of a new continued fraction algorithm with non-decreasing partial quotients. J. de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 14, 1-21.

30. Dajani, K & Kraaikamp, C (2002). From greedy to lazy expansions and their driving dynamics. Expositiones Mathematicae, 20, 315-327.

31. Hartono, Y., and Kraaikamp, C. -- A note on Hurwitzian numbers, Tokyo J. Math. 25 (2002), no. 2, 353-362.

32. Schott, DL, Wijk, AL van & Kraaikamp, C (2003). Large-scale homogenization in mammoth silos: calculating homogenization efficiency and modeling input properties. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 71, 179-199.

33. Iosifescu, M., and Kraaikamp, C. -- On Denjoy's canonical continued fraction expansion, Osaka J. Math. 40 (2003), no. 1, 235-244.

34. Dajani, K., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Random beta-expansions, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 23 (2003), no. 2, 461-479.

35. Iosifescu, M., and Kraaikamp, C. -- A three-dimensional probability distribution in the metrical theory of continued fractions}, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 6 (2004), no. 2, 181-192.

36. Hartono, Y., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Tong's spectrum for semi-regular continued fraction expansions, Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS) 13 (2004), no. 2, 137-165.

37. Kraaikamp, C., and Wu, J. -- On a new continued fraction expansion with non-decreasing partial quotients, Monatsh. Math. 143 (2004), no. 4, 285-298.

38. Dajani, K., Kraaikamp, C., and Liardet, P. -- Ergodic properties of signed binary expansions, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 15 (2006), no. 1, 87-119.

39. Bosma, W., Dajani, K., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Entropy quotients and correct digits in number theoretic expansoins, IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series (2006), 176-188.

40. Kraaikamp, C., Schmidt, T.A., and Smeets, I. -- Tong's Spectrum for Rosen Continued Fractions, J. de Th. des Nombres de Bordeaux 19 (2007), 641-661.

41. Iosifescu, M., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Metric properties of Denjoy's canonical continued fraction expansion, Tokyo J. of Math. 31 (2008), no. 2, 495-510.

42. Kraaikamp, C., Nakada, H., Schmidt, T.A. -- Metric and arithmetic properties of mediant-Rosen maps, Acta Arith. 137 (2009), no. 4, 295-324.

43. Dajani, K., Hartono, Y., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Mixing properties of (alpha,beta)-expansions, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 29 (2009), no. 4, 1119-1140.

44. Dajani, K., Kraaikamp, C., and Steiner, W. -- Metrical theory for alpha-Rosen fractions, J. of the European Math. Soc. (JEMS). 11 (2009), no. 6, 1259-1283.

45. Iosifescu, M., and Kraaikamp, C. -- `A rough guide to the Metrical Theory of Continued Fractions', Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians. Vol. 1, 467--475, Ed. Acad. Romane,
Bucharest, 2009.

46. Kraaikamp, C., and Smeets, I. -- Approximation results for alpha-Rosen fractions, Unif. Distrib. Theory 5 (2010), no. 2, 15--53.

47. Kraaikamp, C., Schmidt, T.A., and Smeets, I. -- Natural extensions for alpha-Rosen continued fractions, J. of the Mathematical Society of Japan 62 (2010), no. 2, 649-671.

48. Kraaikamp, C., and Smeets, I. -- Sharp bounds for symmetric and asymmetric Diophantine approximation, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 32 (2011), no. 2, 303-320.

49. Fokkink, R.J., Kraaikamp, C., and Nakada, H. -- On Schweiger's problems on fully subtractive algorithms, Israel J. of Math. 186 (2011), 285-296.

50. Uffink, G., Elfeki, A., Dekking, M., Bruining, J., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Understanding the non-Gaussian nature of linear reactive solute transport in 1D and 2D. From particle dynamics to the partial differential equations. Transp. Porous Media 91 (2012), no. 2, 547-571.

51. Dajani, K., Hensley, D., Kraaikamp, C., and Masorotto, V. -- Arithmetic and ergodic properties of `flipped' continued fraction algorithms. Acta Arith. 153 (2012), no. 1, 51-79.

52. Kraaikamp, Cor, Schmidt, Thomas A., and Steiner, Wolfgang -- Natural extensions and entropy of alpha-continued fractions, Nonlinearity 25 (2012), no. 8, 2207-–2243.

53. Dajani, Karma, Kraaikamp, Cor, and van der Wekken, Niels -- Ergodicity of N-continued fraction expansions, J. Number Theory 133 (2013), no. 9, 3183-3204.

54. Beltz, Erwin; Fokkink, Robbert; Kraaikamp, Cor --A note on binary quadratic forms with positive discriminant D≠□. Proc. Rom. Acad. Ser. A Math. Phys. Tech. Sci. Inf. Sci. 16 (2015), no. 1, 28–31.

55. Dajani, Karma; Kraaikamp, Cor; Langeveld, Niels DaniĆ«l Simon -- Continued fraction expansions with variable numerators. Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 617–639.

56. Bruin, Henk; Fokkink, Robbert; Kraaikamp, Cor The convergence of the generalised Selmer algorithm. Israel J. Math. 209 (2015), no. 2, 803–823.

Proceedings papers :
1. Dekking, F.M., Kraaikamp, C., Elfeki, A.E., and Bruining, J. --- Synthesis and simulation of digital images by tree-indexed Markov chains. In: T.J. Schulz, P.S. Indell (eds.); Digital image recovery and synthesis IV (Proceedings of SPIE3815). SPIE Conference on Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis (Denver, July 1999), International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, 1999, p. 227-238.

 2. Dekking, F.M., Kraaikamp, C., Elfeki, A.E. and Bruining, J. --- Influence of the fine-scale heterogeneity patterns on large-scale behaviour of miscible transport in porous media. 7th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (Baveno, 5--8 Sept. 2000), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Houten, 2000, p. 1--7.(2000). Revised version in: Petroleum Geoscience 8 (2002), 159--165.

3. Cooke, R. and Kraaikamp, C. --- Risk Analysis and Jurisprudence; A recent example, In: W.W. Doer (eds.); SERA-vol. 10: Safety engineering and risk analysis - 2000. 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition (Orlando, Nov. 5--10, 2000), ASME New York, 2000, p. 67--72.

Accepted papers :
1. De Jonge, Jaap, and Kraaikamp, Cor -- Three consecutive continued fraction convergents: asymptotic frequencies in semi-regular cases. To appear in Tohoku Math. J.

Books :
1. Dajani, K.\ and Kraaikamp, C. -- Ergodic theory of numbers. Carus Mathematical Monographs, 29. Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC, 2002.

 2. Iosifescu, M. and Kraaikamp, C. -- Metrical Theory of Continued Fractions. Mathematics and its Applications, 547. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.

3. Dekking, F.M., Kraaikamp, C., LopuhaƤ, H.P. and Meester, L.E. --A modern introduction to probability and statistics. Understanding why and how. Springer Texts in Statistics. Springer-Verlag London, Ltd., London, 2005.

4. Aaten, A.B., and Kraaikamp, C. -- Verborgen boodschappen (Een inleiding in de cryptografie). Epsilon Uitgaven, Zebra 35, Utrecht 2013.

Reports/Pre-print and other publications: :
1. Bosma, W., Kraaikamp, C. and Dajani, K. --- Entropy and counting correct digits, Rapporten Mathematisch Instituut 1999, June 1999.

 2. Alberts, G., C. Kraaikamp --- Kassa! De winst van de statistiek - interview met Ronald Does. ITW Nieuws, 9 (2000), 3--4 .

 3. Kraaikamp, C., I. Driessen --- Pi in de Pieterskerk. Nieuw Archief van de Wiskunde 5 (2000), 250--253.

 4. Kraaikamp, C. --- Het experiment van Buffon, Pythagoras 41 (2) (2001), 20--23.


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